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  • Writer's pictureCaroline Dell


This is a quick update, I should have written the "next installment" whilst I was having Chemo number 5 on Monday - but I didn't - I didn't write it and I didn't have chemo.

I had an appointment with one of the fabulous doctors of the chemo team last Thursday and by the time I left change was afoot.

I have been really struggling with mouth ulcers, not the small spiteful ones that ping but 8 massive 20p size hideously revolting ones that take nearly two weeks to come and go. No eating, no sleeping and no talking. Nothing has helped and we have tried all sorts, so when the last batch hadn't cleared and more chemo was looming I wasn't in a very happy place.

I arrived for my appointment and duly revealed the remaining "aged" ulcers and received the comment "Oh maybe a short break from Chemo to let these heal".

Then one of the specialist team nurses joined us and as we were talking about the treatment to come, she commented that my operation date had been pencilled in. (I already had a meeting booked with the surgeon for this Wednesday so was waiting to see what would be said). The doctor went to check and yes 28th October - WOW that soon and that quick especially as there needs to be 10 self isolation. All sorts of things starting fizzing round my brain.

Angela, the nurse, was amazing. She sat and went through all the details of how, when and why and then it was decided that Chemo was cancelled. I have had 4/6 cycles and the remaining two may come after the surgery depending on how it all goes. Something to look forward to 🙈🙈😂😂😂

So this week was the appointment with the surgery team, more scary sentences and scary words, with talk of self injecting, 6 weeks not doing anything and various other things to look forward to. The op has been moved to 4th November, 10 days self isolation and 3 days in a covid free ward with no visitors - that won't worry Andrew too much as he isn't keen on hospitals and as long as I have some nibbles, my laptop and a good book, I'll be ok as well.

Once the operation is over we will know what to expect in terms of more chemo but for now, a little more waiting before a very big next step.

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Oct 16, 2021

Oh Caro, all the very best of luck & anything else that gets you through this & out the ‘other side’ You’re one strong resilient woman, keep going . . Xx


Oct 16, 2021

Thinking of you Caro! You can do this,... you’re so, so strong and you’re doing amazingly. Lots of love. Xxx


Oct 15, 2021

Big hugs lovely, I hope you have a bit of ulcer free time between everything. stay strong, we are all routing for you😘 xx


Oct 15, 2021

Best of luck, go girl!!! An addition to the hospital list...earplugs...some tend to snore!! 🤪 Hope all goes well, hugs from us and non-humans xx


Oct 15, 2021

Good luck darling Caro

loads of love from me,Lol and Els

🐶 🐶

We send kisses, hugs and loads of Labrador hair specially for our fave ❤️

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